
Personally, tomorrow i think i need to go out and dominate. One of my last chances before this tournament to show guys what i can do and that i'm a good player. After watching the TiV video my previous thoughts were very accurate. I was hesitant and i lacked an attacking edge. On a total digression, it was funny that i was guarded by Dusty at one point, and during the time i didn't even realize it was him, until i had to mark him. Severly unimpressive.

But continuing... Tomorrow and Thursday's points of interest for myself are in being physical, imposing, dominant, and tireless. I need to get the notion of being perfect out of my head, i don't need to make perfect cuts, get the disc alot, or clear space for other people. Obviously i can't be a deterent in those fields, but i know i shouldn't over think or place them on a pedastool. Whether or not this is a good choice, possibly Weasel, Chris, Eddie and whoever want to see a player who does those things exceptionally, but i don't know. What i do know is that i need to be active and powerful. On the TiV tape as soon as it turns on you see me marking, as the disc gets swung the camera zooms in on the action of marker and thrower, sadly not paying attention to shut down defense i placed on the main handler. It's this kind of thing that i want people to now take notice.

What that takes is a commitment to be tireless. This is something i hold in high, high esteem. Rob, Josh, and Jake are players that i loved to watch and loved to play with: they also emmulate the one thing i need to do now. They're quick, smart, and intelligent with their cuts - but they are also athletic and commited as fuck. Commited to the team, the workouts, their teammates, and they're roles. Now, with this last few waning practices i need to push myself, my body, and my mind to keep moving, cutting, defending, and bidding to show to the team, to myself, that i am worthy of a spot on this team and a spot on the line.

It's late. Time to get mentally focused and well physically.


This weekend/week have been unproductive. I've been sick, I've been overworked, and I've been down in the dumps. I'm guessing the last is because of the previous, but it really doesn't help. The team practices I've done so far have been going well. I played exactly how i said i wanted to: i used my body, threw myself around and got a few Ds and a few weird ass catches. I could have had a few more but i was still feeling a bit off and a bit unmotivated.

My cardio has gotten worse though - possibly just stunted, not actually worse. I've been very sick, so much so that the congestion really hurts me when i'm doing hard and continuous work. Cutting, playing D, marking, accelerating i felt great, but when i had to do the tumble rolls i was dead as fuck. Chris asked me if i was okay to which i gave him a wheezing, "I'm just sick, I'll be fine." Honestly, it's difficult to breathe when one of your nostrils is working at half capacity, the other dead, and your throat congested with some kind of sickness. On the other hand it is pretty cool to be able to shoot a snot rocket for 10 yards... gross, but cool. My goal for this week is to get better before Ultimax. Whether that means wearing things to keep me warm, or just not playing outside when it's ridiculously cold, or even simply eating better I'm going to have to do it.

Focusing on the team now, i think we're progressing pretty well with defense and offenses... mentality lesser so. Jake called some pretty... Jake-like calls and got the other team aggravated and riled up: i liked it. Everyone started hating each other and the level of the game definitely picked up. The only fear i have is that some people take Jake's and even other team's calls too personally, get to amped up, and then take things beyond themselves. We need to gain a tougher mentality, something i feel like the team has never really had. Whether it's been a bullshit call or getting broken a few times, Pitt has really struggled staying focused in games and making sure that we continue doing things that make us better - the pillars. This goes as far as a team wide mentality and as small as individuals motivations and thoughts. If one person is stuck in their head, they will inevitability affect the teams cog like offense or defense. Whether we need to gel more, get more wins under our belt, or just sit down one on one and make sure our heads are in check our mentality is key to success.

I definitely need to do this. Yet, for me its not a matter of ultimate. I need to be mentally in check before this tournament. I'm getting to work as soon as i finish this post, finishing late homework, finishing late essays, and going to get started on homework due later this week. I've bullshitted for a while now and i need to do my work. I also need to prioritize my financial situation, this is really my one only fear right now. Money sadly doesn't grow out of trees and definitely isn't free. Hmmm... i think what i need is a study buddy, for lack of a better phrase. I need someone who i can motivate to do work (school related) and someone who'll motivate me. Finances are being worked out by me and my mother so it's nothing that anyone can help me out, but someone definitely needs to help me out with my study habits. Then i think everything will start streamlining and start working for me, instead of against me.

Be Better

I have to run harder, jump higher, and accelerate faster then anyone i am playing. I know i can do it and i will. I have plenty to prove to myself and my teammates: i will be a great player.


Push Up Logger

I saw this on the Forge forum and decided that it was a great idea.

But, on another note... Forge forum? I guess it's because i'm going with them to club Terminus.

Fuck That

I'm bringing this shit back. My tumblr is going to be for myself - to make sure my academics are in line - while this one is going to be a public, more ultimate based forum.

And with that, i need to blog a bit. So as i've realized my academics have really been slipping. Right now that has no true impact, cause all my class are piss easy and - oddly - not moving quickly at all. On the other hand, my body, mind, and ultimate abilities have personally sky rocketed. I've been working hard with Christo and Eddie - spare this last week - and have really seen noticeable improvements in how i play. My cutting has been a bit hesitant and i've been working on that.

During the Oregon game i started as a cutter and it was great, but one thing plagued me the entire time. 'Don't fuck up.' And that really held me back from cutting full speed and working to maximum efficiency. When i did get the disc i was cool, calm, and knew what to do. The problem was the cutting: i wanted to do everything right. I wanted to make space from players, i wanted good hard cuts, i wanted to make my guy to be chasing me, i wanted too much. What i think people saw from this was a lack of play for me. My mind was going a million miles an hour and my body was moving at two. This wasn't true at CCC.

At CCC i played balls to the walls, i remember in the Wisconsin game just making striding cuts up and down the field, defender behind me, always a step behind, moving the disc, making the space, and i think it all came from the fact that i played with confidence. The Oregon game was the first game of the Spring, against a good team, in a big tournament, it was over my head and i was in my head. I don't want to say it showed in the beginning break mark drill, but it obviously did. I didn't throw well, i didn't do the things i usually do with ease.

So now i make a decision. I am confident. This sounds absurd, you can't just tell yourself to be confident. But you can - it's easy. I know i can work hard, i know i can beat my guys, i know i can do it: so i will.

On a quick other note. I need to throw my body around more. It felt great to do it in practice last Thursday, i nearly had it (mostly because Jason didn't realize the importance of D-ing a disc as soon as you can). My one goal right now is to get some great layout bid for a D. This fall i was amped up to do this, i remember repeatedly hitting the ground in the Space Bro tournament: I also got some pretty sweet D's this summer with Zebra. So I know i can do it, i've done it before: let's do it again.
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